Springtide Blue Dried Flower Bouquet


A Springtide Blue Bouquet has been lovingly put together by hand in the Petal Shed using only the highest quality dried flowers grown on the Shropshire Petals farm.

This large bouquet contains a mixture of dried flowers to create a beautiful combination of blues, yellow, white and natural golden tones.

This dried flower bouquet is perfect as a large handheld bridal spray, and unlike fresh flowers it doesn't need to be kept in water, or stored in a bucket to keep it upright. It is also free standing, due to it's flat base, so works well as a table centre too. 

This large bouquet also makes a wonderful gift for a birthday, special occasion, or simply to tell someone you are thinking about them.

All our dried flower arrangements are handmade to order, so can take a few working days before being dispatched and every single one is unique and different. 


Approx. 45cm (height)

Care Instructions

Dried Flowers can keep for months and even years. We recommend keeping them away from heat, moisture and direct sunlight.

Overtime your flowers will gently mellow in the light. We hope you enjoy them for many months and years.

Delivery Info

We offer FREE UK standard delivery on all orders over £70!

Our Standard UK delivery takes 3-5 working days and prices start from £4.45

Our Special UK delivery is a next working day service, prices start from £8.50. Place your order before midday on a working day for same day dispatch, and delivery should be the next working day. 

Our delivery is calculated by weight so once your items are in the basket your delivery will calculate at the checkout.

For all our delivery information visit our dedicated delivery page

GPSR Compliance
We have ensured all our products comply with the General Product Safety Regulations (GPSR) and other applicable EU Directives. Our EU Responsible Person for GPSR product safety compliance is EU Compliance Partner 

Manufacturer: Shropshire Petals Limited, Lynn South Farm, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 9BB, United Kingdom. Contact: enquiries@shropshirepetals.co.uk

EU Responsible Person (for EU Authorities only): EU Compliance Partner eucomply OÜ, Pärnu mnt 139b-14 11317 Tallinn, Estonia. Contact: hello@eucompliancepartner.com +3375690241

Sending as a gift?

Choose from our collection of beautiful greeting cards to add to your order and make your order extra special