Did you know lavender represents beauty and femininity? Not only does it add a beautiful visual element to your wedding day, but it also added a delightful scent to capture your big day too.
There are lots of different ways to incorporate lavender into your wedding day.

Lavender Bouquet
Lavender is a very versatile crop, and using it in or for your bouquet will add texture and a delicate scent as you walk down the aisle. Using lavender on its own for a small posy style bouquet will look chic and rustic. You can also add it to a selection of fresh wild flowers for a country-style look. Our favourite, of course, is adding it to wheat to make pretty wheat and lavender bouquets.

Venue Decoration
Lavender is perfect for using as additional venue decor. Whatever your theme or style, placing bunches in vases, pots, jars or even old wooden boxes can really add a special touch to your venue decoration. Be creative, place lavender filled containers up stairways to lead to your reception room, down the aisle to make a lovely aisle lining, in windows to continue your wedding theme throughout your venue and why not place large bunches into tall containers outside the entrance to a marquee to glam it up.

Table decor
Deciding on what to do with your tables can be difficult. You might have a fantastic centrepiece, but why not use lavender to add those extra little touches to your tables. Place a sprig or two on your guests plate or attach to napkins with a name tag for a rustic place setting.

DIY Table Decor
Are you adding some DIY touches to your wedding? Use lavender to make some simple additions to your table decor. Tie small sprigs around glass jars with some string, raffia or ribbon and place a candle inside the jar for an elegant table decoration that will add some romance when the candle is lit.

Compliment these with some larger candles (not to be lit) with some larger sprigs of lavender tied around the middle. Don't forget that adding a sprinkle of confetti to your tables is another great way of adding some additional simple decor.
Embellish your guests chairs
Lavender bunched together gives off a vibrant colour splash and scent. If you want to add a touch of natural charm to your reception, tie lavender bunches to chair backs. They also look wonderful teamed with wheat to break up the colour.
Lavender Wedding Favours
Offer your guests something wonderful to take home and a memento of the day, a bundle of lavender not only looks pretty, but smells amazing too.